Iceland With Kids Podcast
Helping you plan an amazing vacation to Iceland— with or without kids!

Episode 14: Visiting Iceland in 2021: Covid-19 and a volcano!

Vaccinated people can now visit Iceland! Here's what to keep in mind,

Episode Notes

On March 18th, Iceland started allowing vaccinated individuals to visit Iceland. On March 19th, a volcano erupted not too far from the airport!

[UPDATE March 31st: Well, some of the information in this episode has already changed! The volcano is still going strong, but the travel restrictions were outdated before they were even implemented. See for the latest, which is constantly changing!]

But can you bring your kids? Will the airport close? Here's what you need to know about visiting Iceland in 2021!

If you do visit, be sure to follow the rules at Things are kind of back to normal, but there's still plenty of mask wearing and social distancing in Iceland!

Let Iceland With Kids help you plan your vacation!

For more information and pictures of the volcano, check out

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